About Us

Goals and Tasks

With the conclusion of the administrative agreement for the joint waste data processing systems (Gemeinsamen Abfall-DV-Systeme - GADSYS), the federal states have agreed on cooperation. This serves the effective provision of the required IT tools and for the implementation of the IT systems to be set up jointly in the area of waste monitoring. A working group (Länderarbeitsgruppe GADSYS - LAG GADSYS) was set up by the Länder (the federal states of Germany) as the body responsible for implementing the IT systems.


All federal states work together on an equal footing in the working group joint waste data processing systems (Länderarbeitsgruppe Gemeinsame Abfall DV-Systeme - LAG GADSYS). Coordination- and decision-making processes take place on the basis of the regulations of the administrative agreement and the rules of procedure in various committees and specialist working groups, which are made up of employees from the authorities responsible for the area of waste monitoring from the federal states. The chairperson of the LAG GADSYS changes periodically between the federal states. The costs arising from the development, operation and maintenance of the services are borne by the Länder on a pro rata basis according to the so called Königsteiner Schlüssel ("Königsteiner ratio").


The starting point for cooperation between the Länder (the federal states in Germany) in working group joint waste data processing systems (Länderarbeitsgruppe Gemeinsame Abfall DV-Systeme - LAG GADSYS) was the development of the waste monitoring system ASYS as a nationwide specialist application by the waste authorities in 1999. In the years that followed, electronic procedures were introduced as mandatory or optional in various areas of waste law. As part of their cooperation in the LAG GADSYS, the federal states develop, operate and maintain the software required for these processes and make it available to the waste-generating companies, the companies involved in disposal and their waste authorities. Major milestones were:

  • notify accredited companies in accordance of End-of-life Vehicles Ordinance to the join agency of Länder electronically (since 2004)
  • keep electronical records to document the proper disposal of waste (since 01/04/2010)
  • apply a permit for waste management activity electronically or notify them electronically (since 15/04/2014)
  • notify waste management companies certified in accordance to Ordinance on Specialised Waste Management Companies (Entsorgungsfachbetriebsverordnung , EfbV) to competent authorities electronically (since 2018)
  • the online services for applying for establishment numbers under waste legislation and for applying for exemptions from the obligations to keep records and registers (from summer 2023)
  • online service for the notification of waste collections (from October 2024)
  • english-language version of the online service for submitting notifications (from October 2024)


The InformationsKoordinierende Stelle Abfall DV-Systeme (IKA) is the business office of the working group joint waste data processing systems (Länderarbeitsgruppe Gemeinsame Abfall DV-Systeme - LAG GADSYS). The tasks of the IKA are currently performed by GOES Gesellschaft für die Organisation der Entsorgung von Sonderabfällen mbH in Neumünster on behalf of the LAG GADSYS.

Software Development and Operation

The  working group joint waste data processing systems (Länderarbeitsgruppe Gemeinsame Abfall DV-Systeme - LAG GADSYS) does not develop, operate and maintain its specialized applications and offers itself, but uses suitable service companies for this purpose.